Out of the Blue

When things happen, completely out of the blue, do they really come from nowhere? Are they really, just, a coincidence? Thank you for listening to Where the Veil Grows Thin.Be sure to subscribe wherever you get your podcasts.

Eighteen Minutes of a Ten Hour Day

It was a 10 hour day working a rare shift at the hospital and it is pretty well captured in this 18 minute episode. Thank you for listening to Where the Veil Grows Thin.Be sure to subscribe wherever you get your podcasts.

Holding Space

This 22 minute is episode is base on a talk I wrote when I was asked to speak at the local Methodist Church. It is based on a conversation Ben and I had recently about hospice and NODA trainings and whether or not I thought the things we teach in those trainings could help people […]

Avoiding Burnout

Another meaningful conversation with Ben Leroy about avoiding falling on the double edged sword of internal pressure to be and do everything and external pressure to be and do more.

The Business End of Dying

In this episode Ben and I are talking about things we can all do to alleviate some of the difficulties so many people face when a loved one has died with nothing taken care of. It was a rich discussion when we started to record it so it begins a bit abruptly. We will re-visit […]

Suicide Grief

In this episode we begin to look at the varying ways grief is altered when someone dies as a result of suicide. If you have never known anyone who died from suicide, you may not understand and if you have, you absolutely will. This was not an easy episode to write. And in recording it […]

The Double Threshold

In this weeks 17 minute episode I am joined again by Ben LeRoy to talk about the way hospice experiences and trainings can carry over into a world that feels chaotic and unstable. We explore the possible benefits for daily practices that help keep us grounded as we leave our homes to do whatever it […]

A Matter of Time

In this 10 minute episode, I share my personal and private thoughts about time. How I see it, how it impacts my daily life and I wonder aloud if I am alone. I don’t think so…

Stepping In It

In this 12 minute piece I am speaking about the state of the world and whether or not it is better or worse than we found it when we were born. Offering some ideas about how we, as individuals, might effect change and how we, as communities, already do.